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Non fiction
Roberto Carretta

Roberto Carretta, a graduate in Philosophy of Art, was born on 8 December 1963 in Turin, where he lives and works. He has written and published the following books: “Lo scenario conquistato” – “Gli scacchi e l'origine del loro simbolismo”, “La cucina delle fiabe”, “In taverna con Shakespeare” – “I labirinti del tempo-Storia di un'imperfetta armonia”. He has translated and edited “La condizione umana”, the Italian edition of the series of conferences held in 1959 by the writer and essayist Aldous Huxley, the biography “Nietzsche in Italia” by Guy de Pourtalès and, with Renato Viola, “Il Mesmerismo e la fine dell'Illuminismo in Francia” by the American historian Robert Darnton. He is a member of the Scientific Committee of Museums. He collaborates with newspapers, art and literature publications. He is the editorial director of the series "Leggere è un gusto" (Il Leone Verde Edizioni).
