Ingo Grabowsky |
Illuminaten, Chemtrails und Coronaviren |
L'autore, che ha anche organizzato una mostra che ottenuto un notevole successo di pubblico su questo argomento, mostra la varietà di cospirazioni nel corso del tempo, a partire da Cicerone fino ai giorni nostri.
Gaja Pellegrini Bettoli |
Generazione senza Padri |
This book, born from the author's daily life experience in the Middle East, tells the story behind the scenes, dispelling widespread clichés and reminding us that the risk of an oversimplified narrative distorts and hinders the understanding of history and peoples.
Laura Tappatà |
Troppo Amore! |
This text wants to reflect on a serious and frequent question: how can a woman accept physical and metaphysical violence from her partner? And is it possible to love too much?
The answer is yes
Laura Tappatà |
The gift of rancour |
The grudge evokes the acrid and disgusting smell of rancidity, it mixes with rancidity, envy, anger, revenge while forgiveness is ransom to find peace, is a positive attitude. In this essay he urges us to seek a different perspective and, letting ourselves be guided by philosophical reflection, to see something that we had not seen before.
Oskar (Ozzy) Stübinger |
Die Perfekte Motorradtour |
Sono sempre più numerosi gli appassionati che si mettono in viaggio in moto. Manca ancora nel mercato librario un manuale che offra una ricchezza di consigli utili per rendere ogni tour perfetto!
Massimo Conti |
L'anima in uno sguardo |
Witchcraft: every year in the world, still in our days, many people, especially women, are denounced, captured, punished and even killed. The book is the story of a 'journey' in these themes: it collects writings and photographs, in particular portraits of women accused of being witches in Burkina Faso and Ghana.