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Filippo Iannarone
Filippo Iannarone

Filippo Iannarone è nato a Roma. Dopo la laurea in Storia del diritto all'Università La Sapienza, ha proseguito gli studi e le ricerche storiche negli archivi vaticani.

Filippo Iannarone wurde in Rom geboren. Nach seinem Abschluss in Rechtsgeschichte an der Universität La Sapienza setzte er seine Studien und historischen Forschungen im vatikanischen Archiv fort.

Filippo Iannaronewas born in Rome. After graduating in History of Law from La Sapienza University, he continued his studies and historical research at the Vatican Archives. 



Quel Segreto di Troppo
by Filippo Iannarone

July 1949 in Fiesole. Colonel Mari and his wife Iolanda spend a weekend invited by Barbara Mills, an American journalist friend of theirs. She welcomes them with exuberance by introducing them to the ten guests, all members of international high society. At the end of the welcome dinner, Barbara announces a surprise that she will unveil the following day. Mari to the fullest until the truth is revealed.

The author once again describes aspects of society and life in the early post-war years. Accurate, fascinating descriptions and an investigation conducted with rigour and methods typical of that historical period cannot fail to fascinate due to the originality of the narrative full of twists and turns.

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