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Non fiction
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Pages 128, size 13x19 cm. Color

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Fulvia  Degl Innocenti
Fulvia Degl Innocenti

lives in Milan, where she works as journalis. She is the author of more tham 120 books for children and teenagers.

I Ribelli della Mussa Dagh
by Fulvia Degl Innocenti

Narek, fourteen years old, is studying in Antioch with brilliant success. For him, the son of farmers, a different future is on the horizon. When he is marginalised for no apparent reason and then expelled from school, he begins to understand. His mistake? Being Armenian. We are in Turkey, in 1915, and one of the most horrific genocides in history is about to take place.
Narek returns to his village and shortly afterwards follows his family as they flee to Mount Mussa Dagh, where around five thousand Armenians gather to resist and fight against the Turkish army

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