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Non fiction
Filippo Iannarone
By the same author:
Il Complotto Toscanini
Il Complotto Toscanini

Filippo Iannarone recounts, with rigour and frequent references to facts and figures from history, the difficult 1930s and the first steps of the Italian Republic, in a vivid and exciting fresco from which emerges the desire for freedom of some extraordinary figures from the recent past.

Quel Segreto di Troppo
Quel Segreto di Troppo

Il colonnello Mari e sua moglie Iolanda, invitati da un'amica giornalista americana a Fiesole assistono, insieme con altri dieci enigmatici ospiti dell'alta società internazionale, alla sua morte.

Colonel Mari and his wife Iolanda, invited by an American journalist friend to Fiesole, witness, along with ten other enigmatic guests from international high society, his death.

