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Non fiction
Manfred Baumann
Manfred Baumann
By the same authorBy the same author

Manfred Baumann born in Hallein/Salzburg in 1956, has been an editor and presenter for the Austrian public TV broadcaster ORF for 30 years. At present he is head of program planning and creative editing and head of popular culture for ORF-Salzburg. He has a teaching assignment for the University of Salzburg and is an author, director and cabaret artist as well.

Alberto Benevelli
Alberto Benevelli
By the same authorBy the same author

have written, he, and illustrated, she, more than seventy books for children and teenagers, published with several Italian publishing houses and translated into various foreign languages.

Luca Bergamin
Luca Bergamin
By the same authorBy the same author

Luca Bergamin writes travel features from all over the world, articles focusing on classical and contemporary art, architecture and design, showing much concern for environmen tal sustainability, forests, and small Italian villages.

Sascha Berst-Frediani
Sascha Berst-Frediani
By the same authorBy the same author

è avvocato civilista a Friburgo. Ha scritto romanzi di successo in Germania e tradotti, con successo, in quattro lingue.

Manfred Bomm
Manfred Bomm
By the same authorBy the same author

è nato a Geislingen an der Steige. Il giornalista ha lavorato come reporter di cronaca nera e reporter alle udienze dei tribunali e si è occupato di politica locale. Divenne famoso per i suoi romanzi polizieschi che hanno come protagonista il commissario capo August Häberle.

Marco Bonora
Marco Bonora
By the same authorBy the same author

 Manager of the European glass industry for contemporary architecture, he has collaborated and supported glass design for major Italian studios, with valuable European and American experience. 

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